
Coaching in the Isle of Man

When I started my business I never thought that things would develop as they have and there are little nuggets of gold along the journey of discovery as I build my coaching, speaking and training business.

Sometimes I just stand in disbelief when these magic moments happen. Things like speaking on a Caribbean Cruise liner, or speaking at the 02 Arena at the Euro basket finals between Real Madrid and Olympiacos (this was to a room full of VIP guests who wanted to be entertained an informed prior to watching the final in front of 20,000 fans. I was honoured to be invited to watch the game with them – I noted that the ticket they gave me was valued at £450

Another golden moment has to be training a group of Managing Directors in Gibraltar and very recently being interviewed on Zen TV (I expect to have the edited footage soon to share). I have been interviewed on both Nottingham and Derby BBC radio stations and have met some amazing and wonderful people along the journey

A more recent golden moment is my coaching work in the Isle of Man for the NHS. I have been commissioned to coach a top level clinician and it is a really interesting engagement which involves me flying to the Isle of Man. I’m off again on Monday and after the coaching session I am being given a guided tour around the island before I catch my flight home. This time I am going to be treated to the best ice cream on the island.

It doesn’t fail to amaze me how things work out when you believe they will and if you don’t allow negatives and fear to enter your mind. The Law of Attraction says that what you give out is what you get back and I put it this way “What you see and what you say is generally what you get.” Meaning that the pictures in your mind and the words that come out of your mouth determine the outcome of your life.

Dreams do come true

Since I have been putting into practice the principles of giving before receiving I have seen my world turn around. The old adage of what you sow is what you reap seems to have substance, so it’s best to sow good things in order to receive good things. One of the biggest and most important things to happen to me is to meet and marry my wonderful wife Julie who is going to enjoy the ups and downs of this exciting journey with me as we ride this roller coaster together. A very special moment was to have my two gorgeous step granddaughters Megan and Emily as bridesmaids and they were there together with their brother William and mum Heather and dad Mark – what a wonderful day!

During my waking hours I try to remain positive for over 90% of the time as the Law of Attractions states that the feelings you send out are reflected back to you in direct proportion. Those people in a dark place find it very hard to get out of that place because they are sending out negative feelings most of the day so that is what they get back. It starts by changing the inside of you then the outside of you changes.


One of the best ways to start feeling better when you are down is to think of all the things you can be grateful for such as: your car, watch, meals, drinks, phone, hot water, shower, supermarkets, fresh air, sunshine, rain, television, Sky TV, sofa, table, cutlery, bed, home, grass, planes, boats, cruise liners, motorway service stations, pets, relatives, family, friends, holidays, ice cream, chocolate, sweets, popcorn, cashew nuts – you get the idea. No matter what you are going through there are many things you can be grateful for and if you think about them for a minute or two you will start to feel better.

This week I have run two Mental Resilience workshops for a major international company based in Nottingham and they went really well. I made this contact when I sat next to a director of this company at a networking event and we swapped cards. We now have a meeting set up later this month to discuss more workshops based on the success of these two pilot sessions. This is exciting and another golden nugget

Running a business is hard work and no bones about it, but if you keep positive through all the ups and downs you will see your vision come about step by step. It doesn’t all happen overnight but I think it is more exciting to see the business evolve in front of my eyes into something better as time goes by. Nothing good in life is achieved without good old fashioned hard work – this is a given. But if you are prepared to put the work in the rewards are so good that it makes it all worthwhile.

Action for this week

Why not take some time this weekend to make a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life. When you have done this keep the list somewhere handy and the next time you are feeling a bit down you can look at that paper and read through all the great things in your life and this re-frame will make you feel better. As you do this you may think of one or two more things to add to the list and in this way the list will grow and grow.

Have a great weekend and stay positive.

Warm regards


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