
Living the Dream

This week has been fun, challenging, exciting and fulfilling. The highlight was the talk I delivered at the Property Investors Network event in Nottingham. Spike Reddington asked me to speak at the event and it was my pleasure to do so. I have known Spike for many years, and he runs a great PIN group.

The room was filled with property investors who are already tuned into the benefits of having a positive mindset and they really appreciated my talk on Mental Resilience. The response at the end was amazing with many wanting to meet me again to have a session with me and I sold a large number of books on the night.

Living the Dream

It’s at times like this where I feel I am living the dream, and this is most definitely not work. It’s my passion and joy to share my story and techniques helping people to live less stressed lives and find moments of joy in each day.

I came across this story of the foolish boy and the wise boy who both had different ways to look at life and both ended up in different situations.

The Parable of the marbles.

Once upon a time, there was a foolish boy who had a bag full of beautiful marbles. Now this boy was quite proud of his marbles. In fact, he thought so much of them that he would neither play with them himself nor would he let anyone else play with them.

He only took them out of the bag in order to count and admire them; they were never used for their intended purpose. Yet that boy carried that coveted bag of marbles everywhere he went.

Well, there was also a wise boy who wished he could have such a fine bag of marbles. So this boy worked hard and earned money to purchase a nice bag to hold marbles. Even though he had not yet earned enough with which to purchase any marbles, he had faith and purchased the marble bag.

He took special care of the bag and dreamed of the day it would contain marbles with which he could play and share with his friends.

Alas, the foolish boy with all of the marbles didn’t take care of the marble bag itself, and one day the bag developed a hole in the bottom seam. Still, he paid no attention and, one by one, the marbles fell out of the bag.

It didn’t take long, once the foolish boy’s marble bag developed a hole, for the wise boy to begin to find those beautiful marbles, one at a time, lying unnoticed on the ground. And, one by one, he added them to his marble bag.

The wise boy thus gained a fine bag full of marbles in no time at all. This boy played with the marbles and shared them with all of his friends. And he always took special care of the bag so he wouldn’t lose any.

Because the foolish boy was selfish and careless, he lost all of his marbles and was left holding the bag.

The Law of Attraction

There are a couple of things about this parable which I have taken away. One is the Law of Attraction at work with the foolish boy. He refused to share the marbles with others and was selfish and he received exactly what he sent out.

He was negative and what he gave out he got back. However, the wise boy was positive and wanted to share his marbles with others when he finally got them. He also visualised the bag full of marbles. He believed that one day that bag would be full of marbles.

The amazing power of Visualisation

Visualisation is very powerful. If you see the outcome you want in your mind this increases the chance of these things appearing in your life. Just 5 years ago, I was in huge debt, painting and decorating for a living, my house was in negative equity, I was single and back living with my mum at the age of 60.

Over the past 5 years I have visualised amazing things coming into my life and here is a summary of what has happened:

• I met and married Julie an amazing and wonderful lady. We are enjoying an amazing marriage and we are mortgage free.
• We have travelled to Washington DC, San Diego, Finland four times, Dubai four times, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Abu Dhabi, Ireland, Malta and Gibraltar.
• I have worked with companies like, Rolls Royce, Hilton Hotels, Nat West Bank, Mitsubishi and Hitachi Power Systems, Aviva Investments, RBS, Pilkington Glass, Department of International Trade, Rotary Club, Wolverine Worldwide, Probation Trust, HPC Group Ireland, Fortum Energy Finland, Barts Charity London, Radius Payments, Tunbridge Wells Council, Aggregate Industries and Air Liquide, .
• I have the privilege to inspire and help thousands of people each year to live happier more fulfilled and stress reduced lives.

It is amazing when I look back at what has happened in 5 short years. But I am not changing anything, and I will continue to look at my Dream Board every day and visualise many more exciting things coming into my life. I believe the best is yet to come.

Thoughts for the week.

1. What are your dreams and visions for your life?
2. Do you have a plan to achieve these?
3. Do you have them written down?
4. I encourage you to create a Dream Board and start visualising these appearing in your life.
5. This week try to identify at least 5 dreams and find a picture to represent each of these and look at them daily.

Well that’s it for this week have a wonderful Easter weekend and stay positive.

Warmest regards


Off the Wall – How to Develop World Class Mental Resilience available HERE (Special offer. Put in code 10POUND when prompted to receive a signed copy for £10 including postage and packing – UK only)

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