"THE person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
Intensely paying attention to a single object, concept, person or activity, to the exclusion of everything else
Focus is your ability to centre your attention and energy on a specific task, object or activity for a sustained length of time. If you want to succeed in life, if you want to get what you desire most, if you want to achieve your goals, you need to master the art of focus.
People often think they are focused, but in most cases they are not. They may be working on an important task, but often their minds are roaming and they are thinking about something else. They may even be checking their emails every 20 minutes, or getting distracted by all sorts of things that are going on around them.
Laser-like focus means all your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions are fully aligned with your goal all day long – day in, day out. There is no point wanting to succeed financially yet holding on to beliefs like ‘money is evil’ or ‘money corrupts people,’ or even the idea that you’ll never be rich because you don’t have enough education. Your focus needs to become your life attitude, so your belief system is critical.
Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.
Natalie Goldberg
Lack of direction is the biggest problem.
It can be hard to focus and concentrate, but it is a skill that can be learned. There are strategies that can help to build the motivation and persistence you need to achieve yourlong-term objectives.
In this busy modern world, there’s always too much to do: yet another deadline; daily meetings; numerous people demanding your attention. There are also things you want to do for yourself too like eating, exercising, sleeping, and getting some relaxation – the stress of all these demands can be devastating if not addressed.
Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.”
Zig Ziglar
It can be hard to focus and concentrate, but it is a skill that can be learned. There are strategies that can help to build the motivation and persistence you need to achieve your long-term objectives.
Identify Specific Long-Term Goals
Get an absolutely clear vision of what you want – what excites you? What draws you? Find your passion in life and align your long-term goals with this. If you are following your dreams, it will be much easier to devote all your energies towards achieving your goals; you will naturally be drawn towards focusing on them.
Set specific long-term goals for the important areas of your life, such as career, finances, family and education.
Create a Plan of Action
Once you have identified your goals, write them down as a physical commitment to yourself. Depending on their complexity you may need to do some research to identify the required steps to achieve these goals. The first plan may not be perfect, but it will be good enough to get started and you can adapt it as you go along. The stronger your focus grows, the more strategies, action steps and ideas will flow into your mind.
Word your goals in a way that communicates why they are important to you and put them in a place where you will see them regularly. Write them on index cards that you can keep in a wallet or purse, or print them on a sheet of paper and stick it on a wall where you will see it frequently. Set a reminder to spend a few minutes looking at your goals every day to maintain your focus.
Identify Your Most Important Tasks
Focus on the most important habits, thought patterns and action steps that provide the quickest way to your goal. To do this, you need to identify the most important steps and tasks to focus on and ruthlessly ignore anything that is not aligned with your goal.
This is known as ‘The Eisenhower Principle’, as the U.S. President was said to live his life by it. Using a tool such as the Urgent / Important Matrix, we can determine which tasks we need to do and which can be delegated or scrapped. This frees up our time to focus on activities that contribute to our long-term goals.
What is IMPORTANT is seldom URGENT and what is URGENT is seldom IMPORTANT
Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States of America
OFF THE WALL, John’s best selling amazon book covers FOCUS techniques in more detail…
Get the highly acclaimed 'Off The Wall' or the newly released '100 Days to Mental Resilience'.
Both books are available right now from our store with Worldwide shipping.

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Our courses, masterclasses and coaching sessions can be tailored to suit you and your budget. Whether it’s a one hour 1-2-1 call with John, a full training series for you and your team or a Keynote talk at an event or conference, we can design the right Mental Resilience programme for you. Grab one of John’s books to get your journey started and why not book a FREE initial 20-minute call?
About john
The Mental Resilience and Personal growth Expert
Author and International speaker John Dabrowski, The Mental Resilience Expert, has spent over 40 years in the business world, putting him in a unique position to deal with contemporary business challenges.
Over the past 7 years he has helped thousands of people to improve their mental health and mental resilience. Today as we begin to recover from the pandemic people’s mental health and level of mental resilience will be hugely important for years to come.
John has played basketball both as a professional and for England in the Commonwealth Games and once scored an unprecedented 98 points in one match and this remains the current British record to his day. He was a top performing premier league basketball club manager for the Manchester Giants. He then went on to become a high achieving radio sales manager and a multi award winning agency director in the advertising and marketing world.
His inspirational, thought provoking, entertaining and content-rich “Mental Resilience” series of Keynote talks, Masterclasses and Coaching programmes can be delivered face to face or online. These are regularly accredited as the inspiration for dramatic improvement and success where people discover secrets and tools to achieve sustained business and personal growth.

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To find out more about John and what we can do for you and your team please get in touch here: