and memorable. Building mental resilience,
clarity and motivation.
John Dabrowski is an internationally recognised professional speaker and Mental Resilience expert. He is a published author, who has delivered keynote talks to audiences across the world.
Great Inspirational speakers draw out emotions in the audience and leave them feeling like they are capable of accomplishing anything. They energize listeners with stories that inspire peak performance, move the audience to action, and create a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.
When working with John you will be in the safe knowledge that he will deliver a powerful, inspiring and educational talk which will be long remembered after the event. He has the ability to tailor your key messages into his talk and can adjust his timing to suit your event.

Whether it’s a conference or a company team building day John can bring his unique style to make the event extra special. His enthusiasm and energy are infectious, and this is reflected in the extremely positive feedback he receives.

A selection of the clients John delivers keynote talks for across the UK and around the World...
John is an outstanding communicator whose ability to inspire a positive attitude to overcome any challenges will have a profound effect on your people. He has helped thousands to change the way they think, speak and act.
Audiences across the world have been inspired by his authentic story of hardship and his ability to overcome obstacles which seemed impossible. He connects with his audience through authenticity, outstanding story telling and practical techniques to help people improve their lives.
People leave John's talks with practical tools they can use immediately to enable them to cope with the challenges of 2021 and to view change in a positive way.
During 2020 John had to digitally transform and move all physical speak engagements online.
So whether it's online via Zoom or Teams or back in the room, when we can, John will inspire and transform your team and their mental ability to embrace change and grow.
“It’s not what happens to you in life which counts, it’s how you respond which makes all the difference.”
- John Dabrowski
Get in touch to find out more about John and his Masterclasses, Keynote Talks and Executive Coaching…
From Underdog to British Record Holder.

John was born to Polish parents and at the age of 5 he was fluent in Polish but couldn’t speak a word of English. When he attended infant school in the UK, he was asked to read in front of the class and couldn’t. All he remembers are the sniggers and laughter from the other children.
A Tough Start...
Over the next few months his confidence was completely shot, and he spent the next years of his life isolated and insecure with a total lack of self-esteem.
When he was 12 he was an incredible 6ft 4in in height and was regarded as a freak by his friends.
He had no social or physical skills and was last pick for any sports teams.

A Magic Moment...
Then one moment changed his life forever. Aged 12 he travelled with his parents to Poland to meet his uncle for the first time.
His uncle was 6ft 9in tall and he played basketball for the Polish Army basketball team.
His uncle spoke some words of encouragement to him and showed him how to play basketball and a dream was born.
The Change of Direction from that Moment on...

When John got back to England, he persuaded his mother to buy him a basketball which she eventually did, and he started to practice. He wasn’t gifted in any way but his attitude to succeed to emulate his uncle drove him on.
He improved over the years and slowly but surely, he progressed from school level to county level to eventually playing for England in the Commonwealth Games.

Thirty minutes with his uncle completely changed his life. A few words of encouragement and a vision of what could be achieved, completely transformed his entire future. He played across the world and turned professional when he was 25 years of age.
British Record Holder
His career highlights were winning the playoffs in London with Sunderland in 1981 and scoring 98 points in a single match which is still the British Record to this day.

Over the next 35 years John worked for radio stations, advertising agencies and marketing agencies in different senior leadership roles. Over this period of time, he experienced some redundancies and failed marriages as well as a personal bankruptcy. He also had two full hip replacements and several operations including minor heart surgery.
He had many great experiences but always spent more than he earned and by the time of his third redundancy aged 56 he was heavily in debt; his house was in negative equity and he ended up living with his mother in the same bedroom he was brought up in as a child.
He thought his life was over and he ended up painting and decorating to pay the bills charging £70 a day. He wondered where it had all gone wrong and realised that he would never have another holiday as long as he lived and would eventually die alone.
It all change when John reached the age of 60...
At the age of 60 he discovered the principles of Mental Resilience which he now shares worldwide and started to apply them to his life and since then his life has turned around in a remarkable way. He is now very happily married, a Published Author, International Speaker and Mental Resilience expert all achieved in 7 short years.

He is now 67 years of age is full of energy and is planning to be speaking well into his 80’s. He is an inspiration to many thousands of people across the world and that number is growing daily. In fact, the older he gets the more inspirational his story becomes.
He believes that it is never too late to get it right saying;
“it’s not how you start in life which counts it’s how you finish.”
It's NEVER too late...
Seven years ago, he applied the techniques and philosophy described in his talks and since then his entire life has turned around dramatically. He has been to Finland four times, Dubai Four times, the USA three times once was in San Diego where he spoke at the same conference as Barrack Obama. Germany twice, Ireland twice, Poland, Switzerland, Malta, Gibraltar.
John has also spoken at an international conference in Stockholm Sweden He has spoken on the Queen Mary 2 on a cruise to New York and is signed up to 5 speaking agencies. He is an international speaker, a best-selling author and is working with clients such as Rolls Royce, Aviva, Hilton, Cunard and Nat West Bank.

To top this all he is now married to Julie a wonderful woman who he can spend the rest of his life with. This is a remarkable turnaround, and all came about by changing the way he Thinks, the way he Speaks and the way he Acts.
John is just warming up and he is very excited to share the secrets which have changed his life and many thousands of lives over the past 7 years.

John can offer this Keynote talk as an inspirational presentation for your conference or team building day either face to face or via video conference. Perfect for….
- Team Training Days
- Corporate Team Building Days
- Corporate Teams
- Directors
- Corporate Executives
- Entrepreneurs
- Business Owners
- Senior and Middle Management
- Junior Managers
- Mental Health Support for Staff

Be the best that you can be – Unlock Your Full Potential!
Get the highly acclaimed 'Off The Wall' or the newly released '100 Days to Mental Resilience'.
Both books are available right now from our store with Worldwide shipping.

Get Inspiration from John's Blog...
Never Give Up: The Remarkable Rise of Dan Burn
I want to thank Craig Sammells from Orthex Group for sending me the link to the BBC article below on Dan Burn—the 6ft 7in footballer

Small Changes, Big Impact: The Power of Kaizen
This week, I delivered my Productivity Breakthrough Masterclass to the Vistage group, led by Chair Stuart Smith. This outstanding group of senior leaders who run

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind for Success
It’s been another fantastic week, highlighted by the delivery of Masterclass 2 to the incredible team at Springfield Training. I always enjoy working with this
To find out more about John and what we can do for you and your team please get in touch here: