
Relationships are Key to Success

What a great time I have had in Berlin and what a beautiful city it is. The conference I spoke at was the BME Symposium which is a very large purchasing and logistics conference.

I was invited to speak at this conference by Natalie Popoola the Head of Conference Production which I am very grateful for. I managed to inspire the early morning audience with some excellent Mental Resilience techniques including visualisation.

A wonderful experience

Natalie booked me on the back of seeing me speak at the BME conference in Dresden in June where I had been booked to speak on the back of a recommendation by Marcel Deveraux.

Marcel booked me to speak at his Dortmund BME regional group in March. The BME is the Association for Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Logistics, founded in 1954 and is the professional association for supply chain managers, buyers and logisticians in Germany and Central Europe.

Pilkington glass

I first met Marcel just under two years ago at an event where I ran my 4-hour Mental Resilience Masterclass for 24 managers at the NSG Pilkington Glass ED2 Senior Management Development Programme.

These managers came from across the world including Japan, China, Italy, Germany, USA, India, Britain, Argentina, Brazil and Poland. Marcel came to me at the end of the Masterclass and felt that there could be some potential for me to run some sessions in Germany.

I am delighted to be booked again for the NSG Pilkington Glass ED2 Senior Management programme again this December which I am really looking forward to at the beautiful Cranage Hall in Cheshire.

A great relationship started developing

When I look back on this timeline of bookings the link between all of them is Marcel. We have developed a wonderful relationship and he continues to see where my Mental Resilience talks, and masterclasses will be well received.

Relationships are key to success. You can’t expect to send out a bunch of introductory emails and generate lots of business – it just doesn’t work that way. One of the best ways to build a business is through people who champion what you do.

It takes time

I met Marcel two years ago, but it was 15 months later when I spoke at the first conference in Germany. During that time Marcel and I built a great relationship, and this has been the best part. Not only does your business grow but you gain some very special relationships along the way.

There are many of these relationships I have developed, and I greatly value each of these. There is one very exciting relationship developing in Dubai with something quite special on the horizon in Dubai next year.

Marcel it was great to see you again in Berlin and I just want to thank you for all you have done and for the great relationship we have.

Things can go wrong

Sometimes things go wrong and it takes great Mental Resilience to get back up and move forward once again. I came across this short article which demonstrates this really well.

You can start again

On the night of December 9, 1914, Edison Industries was destroyed by fire. The loss exceeded two million dollars, along with the majority of Thomas Edison’s work.

He was insured only for $238 because the buildings were constructed of concrete, which was thought to make a building fireproof.

At sixty-seven years of age, the great inventor watched his life’s work go up in flames.

The next morning after firefighters had finally brought the inferno under control, he surveyed his charred dreams and crushed hopes.

As he looked at the scene, he said, ‘There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew.’

Three weeks after the fire, Edison produced one of his greatest inventions: the first phonograph. Try to imagine the world of music and entertainment without it!

What a story of Resilience

What a fantastic story of choosing how to respond to adversity. I have said many times that it not what happens but how you respond which counts. At the age of 67 he could have given up and retired but he didn’t. He chose to fight on, and the rest is history.

Thoughts for the week.

1. Do you value relationships?
2. Relationships take time and effort to develop are you prepared to invest this time?
3. There is something special about developing new relationships.
4. This week take a look at your relationships and how you can help each other.

Well that’s it for this week have a wonderful weekend and keep Believing.

Warm regards


Off the Wall – How to Develop World Class Mental Resilience available HERE (Special offer. Put in code 10POUND when prompted to receive a signed copy for £10 including postage and packing – UK only)

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