
Do Affirmations Really Work?

I have used positive affirmations for many years, and they have helped me overcome chronic fear and anxiety which held me back from achieving anything worthwhile. I hid this lack of confidence quite well, but as a result, I avoided situations that put me under any pressure, including promotions and growth opportunities.
The irony is that I had confidence in my ability to play basketball, but I didn’t have confidence in any other situation. The negative anchors I had created in childhood when I faced rejection and ridicule left me highly self-conscious and nervous.
It was very strange that I took on a different personality when I played basketball and had all the confidence in the world. This proved that you can be confident in some situations but not others.  
In my mid-twenties, working for Metro Radio in the Northeast of England, I discovered the power of affirmations and the importance of developing a positive inner voice. This completely changed my life, and I repeat positive affirmations to this very day.
Affirmations are positive statements that individuals repeat to themselves to foster a positive mindset and encourage self-improvement. The underlying mechanism of how affirmations work is based on principles from psychology, particularly cognitive and behavioural theories.
Here’s a breakdown of how affirmations are believed to work: 
1. Rewiring the Brain
Affirmations help to rewire the brain by creating new neural pathways. This process, known as neuroplasticity, involves the brain’s ability to reorganise itself by forming new connections. Repeating positive affirmations can strengthen these new pathways, making positive thinking more automatic.
2. Counteracting Negative Thoughts
Affirmations can counteract negative thoughts and self-talk. By consciously replacing negative statements with positive ones, you can shift your mindset from pessimistic to optimistic, reducing the impact of negative thinking on your mental and emotional well-being.
3. Boosting Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
Regularly practising affirmations can boost self-confidence and self-esteem. Positive affirmations encourage you to believe in your abilities and potential, reinforcing a positive self-image. This can increase motivation and a greater willingness to take on challenges.
4. Promoting Positive Behaviour Changes
Affirmations can encourage positive behaviour changes by influencing your subconscious mind. When you consistently affirm your goals and desired behaviours, your subconscious mind starts to align your actions with these affirmations. This can help you develop healthier habits and achieve your goals.
5. Enhancing Focus and Resilience
Affirmations can help you stay focused on your goals and build resilience against setbacks. Repeating affirmations related to your objectives can help you maintain a positive outlook and persevere through challenges. This can improve your ability to bounce back from difficulties and stay committed to your goals.
Effective Use of Affirmations
To maximise the effectiveness of affirmations, consider the following tips:
Be Specific:
Tailor affirmations to specific goals or areas of improvement. For example, instead of “I am successful,” try “I am successful in my career and achieve my goals.”
Use Present Tense:
Phrase affirmations as if they are already true. This helps the mind to accept them as part of the current reality.
Repeat Regularly:
Consistency is key. Repeating affirmations daily, especially in the morning or before bed, can reinforce their impact.
Believe in Your Affirmations:
Having faith in the affirmations and genuinely believing in their potential to bring positive change enhances their effectiveness.
Combine with Visualisation:
Visualising the positive outcomes associated with affirmations can strengthen their impact. For example, if your affirmation concerns public speaking skills, visualise yourself confidently giving a presentation.
Scientific Evidence
Research on affirmations has shown positive results. Studies have found that affirmations can help reduce stress, increase well-being, and improve academic performance when aligned with the individual’s values and goals.
However, their effectiveness can vary depending on the individual’s existing level of self-esteem and the context in which they are used.
When used correctly, affirmations can be a powerful tool for personal development, helping individuals cultivate a more positive mindset and achieve their goals.
Examples of Affirmations
For Self-Confidence:
 “I am confident and assertive in my abilities.”
“I believe in myself and my potential.”
For Stress Reduction:
 “I am calm and relaxed in all situations.”
“I handle stress with ease and resilience.”
For Health and Wellness:
 “I am healthy, strong, and full of energy.”
“I make choices that support my well-being.”
For Success and Achievement:
 “I am successful in everything I do.”
“I attract opportunities for growth and success.”
By consistently practising affirmations, you can gradually transform your mindset, improve your self-esteem, and create a more positive and resilient outlook.
Thoughts for the week 

  1. Which area of your life do you want to improve?
  2. Reread the information in this blog and pick out the areas you will work on.
  3. Start with just a few positive statements and repeat these several times a day.
  4. This week, focus on these affirmations and observe your feelings as you do this. 

Well, that’s it for this week. Have a wonderful weekend and keep believing.
Warm regards


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