
How Do You Score Against These 10 Resilience Traits?

I ran two Mental Resilience Masterclasses for Nottingham Trent University Business School Postgraduate students this week. The two groups were brilliant, and they loved the content.
We covered many areas, but the one area that generated the most interest was the importance of failure.
Albert Einstein said, ‘Failure is Success in Progress’. Other statements included, ‘If you haven’t failed, you have never tried anything new.’ And ‘Failure is not the opposite of success. It is part of success.’
Do not be afraid to fail or make mistakes; it’s the only time you grow in character, experience and comfort zone. It takes resilience to embrace failure and learn from it, but as you do, you develop faster and fulfil your true potential.
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I came across this article from Karthik K from India, a business growth expert who puts a great spin on resilience and how it makes a massive difference to how we respond to adversity.
Mental Resilience
Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from difficulties. It’s the ability to bounce back when things are tough. Resilience is one of the best tools in our arsenal when dealing with everyday challenges and stressors – whether at home or work.
Your ability to bounce back from stress, trauma, tragedy, and even major health concerns will depend on your level of resilience. The more resilient you are, the better you can cope with life difficulties and maintain well-being. Everyone has some degree of stability, but there are ways that some people develop it more than others. Here are ten traits of highly resilient people:
10 Traits of Highly Resilient People:
1) They’re open to new ideas
Resilient people keep their minds open, curious, and able to adapt. They welcome change because they know it’s a part of life – and learning to see change as an opportunity is critical to being resilient.

2) They’re not afraid of the unknown
Many people find change difficult because they don’t control what will happen next. However, highly resilient individuals tend not to focus on what might go wrong because they know that whatever occurs will be part of their journey.
3) They don’t let their emotions control them
It’s common for everyday stress to build up and create negative emotions. Strong feelings like anger, sadness, or anxiety may feel overwhelming – but resilient individuals can self-regulate those emotions without letting them take over.
4) They are grateful for what they already have
Living in the present moment is extremely important for resilient people. And one of the best ways to do that is to appreciate what you have right now. Resilient people focus on what they still have – even in difficult or stressful times.
5) Their self-esteem is high, no matter what life throws at them
Highly resilient people don’t get down on themselves when life isn’t great. They understand that everyone has difficult times but are confident in dealing with them and becoming stronger. And even during a crisis or tragedy, resilient people can still see the good in others around them.
6) They know that nothing lasts forever and that change is inevitable
Resilient people are flexible and adaptable to deal with the unexpected. They understand that life constantly changes and obstacles will always arise to fulfil their goals.
7) They know how to ask for help – without feeling weak or ashamed
Many people struggle to ask for help when going through stressful periods. However, resilient individuals have a robust support system – whether it’s family, friends, or coworkers – so they’re never afraid to reach out for assistance if they need it.
 8) They can bounce back from obstacles and setbacks
Resilient people know better than anyone else that there will always be ups and downs. They prioritise learning from their hardships rather than dwelling on them or making excuses for their behaviour.
9) They embrace change as an opportunity for growth
When faced with change, most people fight against it or resist it because they don’t like the idea of things being different. However, resilient people understand that change is inevitable, opening new doors for personal growth and development.
10) They see difficult times as opportunities for personal growth
Rather than using their challenges as an excuse to give up or wallow in self-pity, resilient people take a different approach – which is why they can bounce back from adversity.
Final Thoughts:
Resilient people can deal with life’s challenges much more effectively than others. Their optimism, their ability to bounce back from obstacles and setbacks, and their flexible approach to life – all these things allow them to live happier lives, even in the face of significant stressors.
These are key traits
As I read through these traits, I realised that I am strong in these areas, which is why I have succeeded against the odds on so many occasions. I overcame huge debt, unemployment and failure nine years ago and more recently rebuilt my business when I lost it due to COVID 3 years ago. It took every one of the ten traits to get me through the dark times, but I reached there in the end to build the fantastic life I have now.
Thoughts for the week 

  1. How do you rank against these ten traits?
  2. Are you strong in some and weaker in others?
  3. These are excellent benchmarks to see how you are doing.
  4. This week, look at the ones you are weaker in and work on improving them.
  5. It will take time but will dramatically change your life. 

Well, that’s it for this week. Have a wonderful weekend and keep believing in yourself.
Warm regards


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