
This Wasn’t on My Dream Board!

This week I had a wonderful time in Milan delivering a full day Mind Resilience Masterclass for the European Management Development Team for Radius Payment Solutions on behalf of Live and Learn.
Radius is a fast-growing international company and it was a wonderful experience to fly out to Milan to deliver this session. I have delivered several of these for the company in the UK and it was wonderful to be asked to deliver the session to their European team.
The delegates flew in from various countries in Europe to attend this session and to learn some very powerful tools to build Mind Resilience and improve wellbeing. The strategies include stress control, improved sleep, improved confidence, developing a positive mindset, how to find the seed of something in every negative and advanced goal setting using a Dream Board.
They were a fantastic group, and we had a wonderful time together sharing lots of laughs with great group work and feedback. The energy was high, and we were in a building where you could see mountains in the distance – very spectacular.
It has taken a long time 
It has taken a long time to get to this place with the business and nothing worthwhile is easy to achieve. But with a vision, self-belief and hard work amazing things can be achieved. I have a Dream Board with 38 pictures of things I want to achieve in life which I visualise every morning.
As I do this, I develop a strong belief system that allows me to see myself in the future experiencing the very things which are on my Dream Board. The more I do this the more these things seem to appear in my life.
This gives me high energy and that leads to achieving more in each hour which results in more success. This then in turn leads to high motivation resulting in high energy which results in more success and so it continues.
It’s the direct opposite of spiralling downwards out of control with stress and fear. This is where you spiral upwards to higher achievement in whatever your desires may be. It results in high energy and a positive mindset which helps you achieve more in each hour, day, week, month and year.  
Dream Board
I love my Dream Board and it is continually changing as I achieve the various things on the board. However not everything which comes into my life is on the Dream Board and this trip to Milan is one of those examples.
Sometimes things just come to you but if I think about it this wasn’t just luck it was receiving consistently positive feedback from each delivery to Radius which resulted in this international booking.
It reminds me of the years I spent at the beginning of my speaking career when I was still painting and decorating, and I was speaking free of charge to anyone who would book me. I ended up speaking dozens of times to various Rotary Clubs across the UK.
I would be driving long distances often in heavy rain to speak to a few people who would bother to turn up then drive home again late at night. I love to go to bed early so these late nights were particularly difficult for me.
But I knew that I had to persevere if I was going to make it as a speaker and trainer, so I carried on even though everything inside of me was screaming for me to stop.
The hard work finally paid off
Then one day I received an email asking me if I would like to speak at the annual Rotary International Conference being held in Liverpool. They said that I had been recommended by a Rotary club and they would pay me a large fee.
This took me by surprise and of course I said yes. This was the result of several years of practice and dedication; it didn’t just drop into my lap. We need to understand that anything in life that is worthwhile takes time and effort.
This conference was held in a large theatre with nearly 1,000 people attending and video cameras filming adding to the pressure. Because of all the practice over the years I performed well, and that video is still on my website and has led to many international bookings over recent years.
There are no shortcuts, but you can enjoy the journey
There are no shortcuts here. Everyone at the top of their game whether in sports, business, arts or education gets there because of hard work and practice. Messi, Lewis Hamilton, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Barack Obama and Richard Branson to name a few all know that putting the hours in is absolutely essential to success.
In the early years before I experienced breakthrough, it was a huge slog which took enormous discipline to keep going when it looked like I would never make it. But by sheer dogged determination and hard work I am now in a position where I am speaking to world class organisations, and I have to pinch myself when I attend places like Milan.
The moral of the story           
So, the moral of this story is that it takes time to achieve real success whatever that looks like to you. It won’t come easy but nothing worthwhile comes easy. It takes effort, willpower and hard work but the wonderful thing is that when you finally make it you don’t remember the painful journey, all you do is enjoy the life you have created.
Next week I will be writing about someone who I have known for 40 years who is very special in my life and who recommended me to an organisation based in Gibraltar who I am now working with, it is very exciting, and basketball related.

Thoughts for the week 

  1. How hard are you prepared to work for success?
  2. If you desire to build a good life for yourself, hard work and persistence are key.
  3. The great thing is that when you get to your destination it is worth everything you have been through.  
  4. This week, think about areas where you may be lacking motivation and see if you can get your energy and motivation back knowing that the pain will be worth it in the end. 

Well, that’s it for this week, have a wonderful weekend and keep believing.

Warm regards


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