
Turning Pain into Purpose

What a fantastic week this has been! First, I delivered my new ‘Improved Productivity’ Masterclass online to Siemens staff, and then I delivered two Mental Resilience Masterclass 1 sessions to Rolls Royce staff over two days.
This Masterclass received excellent feedback, and it is exciting that I have just received a booking from Rolls Royce in the Northeast of England to run this session for their staff.
This ‘Improved Productivity’ Masterclass is unique because I include principles and techniques that, when combined in this specific way, dramatically improve productivity without working harder and, more importantly, reduce stress.
People who have completed this Masterclass report much better control of their workload and thoughts. They are able to relax in the evening and at weekends without any work thoughts. They learn how to control their emotions and how to overcome procrastination.
Put simply, they accomplish more of the essential things, leaving them with a feeling of achievement and satisfaction. I have used these principles and techniques in my life for the past few years, and they have transformed my life in a very powerful way.  
The two sessions on Mental Resilience for Rolls Royce were great fun, and the two groups were outstanding. The energy in the room was brilliant, and the feedback was equally so. I really do love working with Rolls Royce, and it gives me great joy every time I deliver a session for them. Thank you, Head of Manufacturing Sophie Ayton, for the booking.
I came across this account of someone whose life was dramatically changed by a tragic event, but it didn’t define her. In fact, it made her who she is today. I use the phrase, ‘It’s not what happens to you in life that counts, but how you respond that makes all the difference,’ and this is a wonderful example of this.
Lesia Cartelli
“Lesia Cartelli’s story is both heartbreaking and inspiring. At the age of 9, she experienced a life-altering event when a gas explosion occurred at her grandparent’s house, leaving her with severe burns over a significant portion of her body. The explosion resulted in third-degree burns on over 50% of her body, including her face, arms, and hands.
Despite the immense physical and emotional pain she endured, Cartelli displayed remarkable resilience and determination. Throughout her recovery journey, she underwent numerous surgeries and extensive rehabilitation to heal her injuries and regain function.
Her journey was not just about physical recovery but also about overcoming the psychological and emotional trauma associated with such a traumatic event.
Cartelli’s story gained widespread attention due to her courage and positivity in the face of adversity. As she navigated the challenges of her recovery, she became an advocate for burn survivors and a source of inspiration for others facing similar struggles.
Despite her young age, Cartelli demonstrated wisdom and maturity beyond her years, using her experience to raise awareness about fire safety and the importance of resilience in overcoming adversity.
In 1993, Cartelli founded the Angel Faces organisation, a nonprofit dedicated to providing healing retreats and support programs for adolescent girls with burn injuries. Through Angel Faces, Cartelli has touched the lives of countless individuals, offering hope, encouragement, and a sense of community to those affected by burn trauma.
Cartelli’s journey serves as a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the capacity to overcome even the most challenging circumstances.
Despite the unimaginable pain and trauma she endured as a child, Cartelli has emerged as a beacon of hope and resilience, inspiring others to embrace their scars and find beauty in their journey toward healing and self-acceptance.”
Lesia Cartelli’s story teaches us several valuable lessons:
Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Despite experiencing unimaginable pain and trauma, Cartelli demonstrated remarkable resilience and strength in her journey toward recovery. Her ability to persevere through adversity is a powerful reminder that the human spirit can overcome even the most challenging circumstances.
The Power of Positivity: Cartelli maintained a positive attitude and outlook on life throughout her recovery. Her optimism and determination helped her cope with her struggles and inspired others around her. The power of positivity can be transformative, enabling individuals to find hope and strength even in the darkest times.
Turning Pain into Purpose: Cartelli’s experience led her to found the Angel Faces organisation, through which she has dedicated her life to supporting other burn survivors. Her story illustrates the transformative power of turning personal pain into a greater sense of purpose and service to others. By channelling her own experiences into meaningful action, Cartelli has positively impacted countless individuals’ lives.
Awareness and Prevention: Cartelli’s story also highlights the importance of fire safety awareness and prevention. Tragic accidents like the gas explosion that injured Cartelli can often be prevented through education, awareness, and proper safety measures. By sharing her story and advocating for fire safety, Cartelli helps raise awareness and prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future.
Embracing Scars and Imperfections: Cartelli has embraced her appearance and found beauty in her journey toward healing and self-acceptance despite the physical scars left by her injuries. Her story reminds us that scars and imperfections are symbols of strength and resilience, not signs of weakness. By embracing our scars, both physical and emotional, we can learn to love and accept ourselves just as we are.
Thoughts for the week. 

  1. How do you respond when things go wrong?
  2. The reframe technique is finding a positive in every negative situation.
  3. I believe there is ALWAYS a seed of something positive in every negative situation.
  4. The tragedy that changed Lesia’s life became her purpose, and when you find your purpose, you find your passion.
  5. This week, look for things going wrong and try to find something positive in each situation. 

Well, that’s it for this week. Have a wonderful weekend, and I look forward to sharing more thoughts with you next week.  
Warm regards


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