John's Blog

You Become What You Believe

Belief systems are immensely powerful and dictate many of the decisions and actions we take. A belief system you hold may be real to you, but it may not actually be real. Because you believe it and it seems real,

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Why is Gratitude so Effective?

Gratitude is more than just feeling good. It helps people become less aggressive by enhancing their empathy. Gratitude puts situations into perspective. When we can see the good as well as the bad, it becomes more difficult to complain and

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Self-Control – How Are You Doing?

Emotions operate on many levels – they have a physical component as well as a psychological one. They operate in every part of a person, affecting many aspects, which is why it is so important to gain control of our

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Getting Beyond ‘The Splat’

I came across this article in Word for Today and it resonated with me especially with the present situation many of us find ourselves in. Most of us have experienced the ‘Splat’ over the past 12 months and it’s not

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What Will Your Legacy Be?

I love writing my blog to inspire and help people but sometimes I come across something really profound which isn’t inspirational but really makes you think. This is the case today where recently I came across this article in Word for

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Does Cognitive Reframing Really Work?

Reframing is a way of viewing and experiencing events, ideas, concepts and emotions to find more positive alternatives. Life was difficult when I was young, but this was a good thing. That experience taught me a valuable lesson that I have used

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The Staggering Health Benefits of Sleep

What is sleep? “The natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored.”  Sleep is far more important than many people realise, and lack of sleep can have very serious consequences. According to the Division of Sleep

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The Chimp Paradox

Have there been times in your life when you: Say things thoughtlessly in the heat of the moment and regret it later? Wonder why you sometimes seem to be a different person from the one you want to be? Try

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How to Develop Self-Control

Self-control is vital for overcoming fears, obsessions, addictions, or any kind of negative thinking and it puts you in control of your life, your behaviour, and your reactions. It helps to develop patience, improve relationships and is an important tool

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What You Think is What You Become

What is positive thinking? Positive thinking is an umbrella term for a range of ideas and techniques associated with the psychology of achievement. It is the main idea that lies behind the self-help movement that originated in the United States

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Is Stress Slowly Killing You?

There are very few certainties in this life, but we can be sure that we will experience stress and hardship at some point.  Stress may be inevitable, but how we cope with it is our choice. Everyone reacts to stress

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Developing a Positive Inner Voice

If I was asked to name the single most important technique I have used to develop my Mental Resilience it would have to be developing a positive inner voice. This is a life changer for many people once they learn

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No Regrets

Andre Agassi is one of the greatest tennis players of all time and one of the few tennis players to hold all four majors in one year. He had great motivation to succeed and his motivation was the fear of

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Dealing with Fear

This pandemic is the worst event to happen to us since the 2nd World War. How are you coping with this? How is your level of fear? I came across these two articles in Word for Today and it gave me

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Learn to Wait!

This pandemic has put so many people’s lives on hold and has delayed so many projects and development ideas. Some businesses have thrived because of the sector they are in, but many have been hit hard by the multiple lockdowns

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You Can if you Think You Can

Positive thinking is an optimistic state of mind that always sees the bright side of life and focuses on the glass being half full instead of half empty. It is a mental attitude that produces constructive results – it brings

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The Power of Motivation and Mental Resilience

You have to find the right motivation for everything you want to achieve in your business and personal life. One lady called Granny Brand demonstrates the power of motivation more than anyone I have ever come across, and I want to

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When it all Comes Crashing Down!

At the beginning of 2020 I had the best start to any year I’ve ever had in my business. I had bookings all across Europe and my diary was full well into the second half of the year. I had

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Personal Growth is a Choice

I found this article of particular interest from Word from Today.   Here are three reasons we don’t experience personal growth:  1)We think it comes strictly from experience. Believing personal growth comes only from experience, is like an archer shooting arrows off-target and

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Pleasure Now Pain Later

I came across this article today written by Bob Gass from Word for Today and it made me think: “Author H. Jackson Brown Jr quipped, ‘Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There’s plenty of movement, but you

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Fight One More Round

“Prize fighter James Corbett was once asked: ‘What’s the most important thing for a man to do to become a champion?’ He replied, ‘Fight one more round.’ Successful people have different talents, but they all have these qualities: perseverance, tenacity, and

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85% of All You Worry About Never Happens!

I came across this article about Fear and how we can create this with our negative thinking.  Fear of the Future “Five hundred years ago, Michel de Montaigne said: “My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened.”

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The Power of Positive Self-Talk

We have an inner voice that speaks to us consciously and unconsciously all the time. Our self-esteem and self-image are developed by how we talk to ourselves. When our inner voice becomes critical, it drags us down until we cannot

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