

I had a dream to meet the best basketball player in the world in the mid 1980’s, but I didn’t know how this could be achieved. At the time I had just joined a local radio station in Newcastle called Metro FM and was working in the sales department.

This dream of meeting this legend wouldn’t go away and eventually I decided to call Los Angeles Lakers and see if I could get them to agree for me to interview Magic. I called and was put through to the PR Manager and I explained who I was and what I wanted to do.

They thought I worked for the BBC

Luckily for me he misunderstood and thought that I worked for the BBC in London and immediately offered me an ‘Access All Areas’ pass for a week! This was amazing and meant I could spend the entire week with the team attending practice sessions, watching the games free of charge and interviewing the players after the games.

It was an amazing week probably the most spectacular week up this point in my life, but I believe there is still better to come as I build my current international business! Mental Resilience gives you the confidence to try things you wouldn’t normally try which results in you achieving more.

It took Mental Resilience

It took some courage to call Los Angeles Lakers and to stay calm during the conversation but because I did I ended up achieving far more than I could have ever dreamed. To watch and personally hang out with the greatest player in the world was something I will never forget.

I came across this article recently about going for your Dreams:

Go for your Dreams

1. They make life worth living.
Your dreams are what can get you through even the worst days. If you are struggling, your dreams are your reason to keep going. They are why you wake up in the morning and try again. They are what makes your entire life worth living. Without our dreams, we are nothing.

2. You can be an inspiration to others.
If you decide to go and follow your dreams, you will give hope to others who want to do the same. You can serve as their example and their reason why they should give it a try. You can help them, coach them, and encourage them to keep going.

3. So that you can finally be happy.
Life without dreams is depressing. Search far and wide for yours and make a promise to yourself that you will start pursuing them. Once you get on the path towards your goal, you will notice a distinct change in how you feel.

4. It will make your parents proud.
Sometimes parents don’t always understand our dreams, or they try to sway us towards a particular one. However, if you are adamant about your dreams, and you work hard to achieve them, your parents have no reason not to be proud of you.

5. It will make YOU proud.
Even better than making your parents proud, you will be proud of yourself! Your confidence will rise, and you’ll enjoy the excitement and the adrenaline that comes with doing something you’ve always wanted to do.

6. You only live once.
Life is short. Our days are numbered, so why spend them doing something we don’t love? It’s time to make a decision to go for it.

I’m in! Are you?

What is stopping you?

In my Mental Resilience talks and Masterclasses I talk about my Dream Board which currently has 39 images on an A4 sheet which represent my current Dreams. They help me get up in the morning and help me get back up again when I get knocked down.

This week I had the privilege to run my Mental Resilience Masterclass for the staff of Aggregate Industries on behalf of Live and Learn and this was the 9th Masterclass I have run for Aggregates. The delegates were fabulous, and the feedback was outstanding. This is why I am so passionate about what I do!

Thoughts for the week:

1. Do you have Dreams in your life?
2. Do you have things you want to own, places you want to visit, people you want to meet, new skills you want to learn, a dream job you would love to have one day?
3. Write a bucket list of these things down then find pictures on the internet which represent these and copy and paste them onto your very own Dream Board.
4. Why not have a go and see what happens – what do you have to lose?

Well that’s it for this week have a wonderful weekend and stay positive.

Warmest regards


Off the Wall – How to Develop World Class Mental Resilience available here (Special offer. Put in code 10POUND when prompted to receive a signed copy for £10 including postage and packing – UK only)

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