
Royal National Lifeboat Institution – RNLI

It is great to be back on the road again. Don’t get me wrong I have thoroughly enjoyed delivering my Mental Resilience Masterclasses online with great results but there is something special about face-to-face presentations.
I was excited to be travelling down to Chichester to present to management staff of the RNLI at the Chichester Yacht Club on behalf of Live and Learn. It is a beautiful setting and what a great day we had.
It has been ages
It has been 9 months since I delivered a face-to-face session and it felt like I had never been away. From the very beginning it was a joy to be in a position to deliver this potentially life changing session. It was only 7 years ago when I was painting and decorating for a living.
There was a bit of concern the days before I left to drive down wondering if I had remembered the equipment, the feedback forms, the action plans, the remote, the back-up projector, the speaker, the slide printouts and the workbooks.
I remembered everything
The good news is that I remembered every single item, and that really encouraged me. I have another face-to-face session next Tuesday for Radius Payments again on behalf of Live and Learn and Radius are a regular client. I have already printed everything off and I am ready to go. I also have more face-to-face sessions next month so things are opening up and that is very exciting.
As with most things once you get back in the groove it is much easier. The drive to Chichester took around 3.5 hours and it was a joy. The sights I saw on the way using Mindfulness were beautiful and the music playing was simply lovely. As my marketing guru or should I say marketing Wizard Michael Dobson said: ”It’s like being on a road trip for the first time in ages”.

Germany April 2022
I have quite a few online Masterclasses lined up this month including three international ones which is all extremely exciting. My 1-hour online programme consists of 3 sessions delivered online or face-to-face over an agreed period of time with an action plan delivered after each session.
This is proving to be immensely popular as staff start coming back to work but don’t have time for a full day training session. These sessions can also be delivered to larger numbers of staff.
When we had the first lockdown in 2020 I lost all of my bookings overnight. One of them was a speaking engagement in Germany. We agreed to postpone it to September 2021 thinking that everything would be back to normal by then. Who would have thought that we would still battling towards recovery?
We have just spoken and agreed that it will be best to postpone it again to April 2022. So, I now have another booking for 2022 which is great. I really love forward bookings. 
“It’s not what happens to you in life which counts it’s how you respond which makes all the difference.” John Dabrowski
This is one of the most powerful truths which can determine how we react to adversity as it continues to detrimentally impact our lives. We can choose how we respond to most things in life – we can choose the positive path or the negative path.
If we choose the positive path, we will bounce back faster, we will experience growth and we will learn great lessons in the process.  
ATD Conference Orlando Florida
Two years ago, I spoke at the ATD conference in San Diego which is one of the most prestigious conferences in the world. Barrack Obama was one of the keynote speakers. I have just received a request to complete the speaker submission form to see if I will be selected to speak at the ATD conference in 2022 which is being held in May in Orlando Florida.
I have Florida on my Dream Board, so I feel the urge to complete the application and see if I am selected as one of the speakers. This in a way feels good as I don’t know if I will be selected as many of the best speakers in the world put their names forward for this conference. If I am selected it is meant to be.
Thoughts for the week: 

  1. How do you view adversity – do you see it as a problem or a challenge?
  2. The words you use determine how you respond to each problem/challenge.
  3. The only time we grow in our comfort zone and character is when we face adversity.
  4. Embrace the challenges as they appear in your life and take them on with vigour.
  5. Know that when you get through each one you will have grown immeasurably.

Well that’s it for this week, have a wonderful weekend and choose your words wisely.
Warm regards


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