
The Power of Persistence

What a fantastic week this has been spending 3 great days in Germany delivering my Mental Resilience Masterclass to the members of BME – Germany’s largest logistics and purchasing Networking organisation. It is so good to be speaking abroad again.
This was an excellent group who interacted extremely well with the exercises and the feedback from the session has been very positive. The common theme of the feedback is how effective the practical exercises are and how they can be used in everyday life.
The journey to Germany was very pleasant and it was good to spend some time relaxing in Dusseldorf before I presented my Masterclass. I always like to stay 3 days when I go abroad to deliver a talk, so I have time to enjoy the experience and the unique culture. To my surprise there were very few delays there and back.
We kept working on a solution
Thilo Bussmann (pictured with me) saw me speak in Berlin at the BME Conference over two years ago and we connected straight away. He then booked me to speak to his group in Dusseldorf in early 2020.
As we all know only too well Covid 19 struck, and everything was cancelled across the world. We then spent the next two years trying to reschedule and after around 5 bookings and further cancellations we finally succeeded.
I didn’t give up
This trip to Germany is a nice example of persistence paying off. It would have been easy to let things slip and with the difficulties caused by Covid it could have even been easier to give up and retire. After all, I am 68 years of age, and I am receiving my pension. I am however planning on speaking until I am at least 80.
But I have never been one for the easy route and so not only did I not retire I actually ramped up my efforts, wrote a second book and created an online programme which I deliver on Teams and Zoom across the world. Many of the clients I am working with now are a result of persistence – in some cases, over several years.
Persistence is key to success
Persistence is one of the most important characteristics required to succeed in life. You may have average ability but if you just keep going when the going gets tough you will eventually succeed more than you will fail.
Failure is part of life, and one certain fact is that we will all fail many times in the future. But it’s how we respond to failure which determines the outcome. We only learn when we make mistakes. When things are going well, we enjoy those times but it’s in times of failure when we learn and grow.
I was an average basketball player with average skills but what I did possess was persistence. When others gave up, I carried on and slowly but surely over time I overtook all the other more skilful players and made it to Professional and International level – achieving a British scoring record on the way which still stands to this day.
Ways to develop resilience
I read this article in Word for Today recently and this gives some nice pointers in developing resilience.
Like any skill, mental and emotional resilience can be learned. Here’s how:
1) Redefine setbacks as the gateway to something greater. 2) Remember successful people don’t just face adversity, they embrace it. 3) Tune out the critics and focus on doing your best. 
4) Wake up every day remembering that gratitude creates a fertile environment for self-belief. 5) Increase your positive self-talk when you’re afraid. 6) Learn from failure and remember the many times you’ve succeeded.
7) Visualise victory before going into battle. 8) Refuse to dwell on the past or worry about the future; today is where you have the most influence. 9) Identify a solution instead of complaining. 10) Replace self-doubt with positive self-talk. 
11) When you feel alone, think of all those who have helped you and who love and support you. 12) Rest when you’re tired, but don’t give up. Finish strong in everything you do. 13) Recognise what you can’t control, focus on what you can.
14) Exercise physically if you can, to give yourself a sense of control and help lift your mood. 15) Laugh to reduce stress, strengthen your immune system, and improve arterial blood flow. 16) Be grateful. Research shows that people who sent a letter or email of thanks to somebody who helped them, stayed in a better mood for up to a month.
Thoughts for the week. 

  1. How is your level of persistence?
  2. Do you give up quite easily and move onto the next thing?
  3. This week see if you can step up your persistence in some area.
  4. Are you about to give up on something? You could be one step away from success so don’t give up. 

Well, that’s it for this week have a wonderful weekend and let me know if you have a breakthrough with something because of your persistence. I would be very interested to hear from you if you do. Simply reply to this blog post and it comes straight to me.
Warm regards


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