
Think Happy and You Will be Happy

This has been a wonderful week with a fabulous trip to Tunbridge Wells to deliver my Mental Resilience Masterclass on behalf of Live and Learn. This is the third time I have been booked by Tunbridge Wells Council to inspire their staff which demonstrates how effective this Masterclass is.

The feedback I received from them following this session was sent to me in an email finishing with ‘Thank you again – informal feedback has been brilliant!” What a joy it is to be in a position to help people with some simple techniques and philosophy which changes lives.

A lost contact

Last week I delivered my keynote talk at the Builders Merchants Federation conference which was very well received, and I met someone there who I hadn’t seen for a while. His name is Mark and he had booked me for a talk for his company earlier in the year.

He told me how he had been made redundant and had found that difficult to take. He told me that my book had helped him tremendously during this period and had kept his mindset positive. It helped him stay positive and because of that he had now secured a dream job in the same industry.

Positive is the way to go

When you are positive you have more energy, and everything seems to work out. When you are negative your energy is low, and things start to go wrong. It is important that we stay more than 50% positive each day.

When we are positive we send out positive messages and this affects everyone around you including how successful we are in interviews. The 18 chapters in my book take you through a journey to allow you to do this on a consistent basis.

Below is the review Mark has just written on Amazon. I have now received 26 x 5-star reviews and if you want to you can have a look at these by typing John Dabrowski into the Amazon search bar.

Mark’s Review:

Totally Inspiring

“I have had the pleasure of meeting & listening to John twice in the last year, both times I have come away totally inspired & humbled. He has given me confidence & advice on my own mental resilience.

I would urge anybody or group to purchase his book or book him as a headline speaker. After suffering redundancy & several knocks this year I often referred to John’s book for resilience advice, it has helped me secure a new position in the sector I work. John is a brilliant example inspiration.”

A new coaching client

Also, this week I received an email from someone who purchased my book just last week on Amazon and was so impacted by it that he wants me to coach him. He is based in the South of England and I will be coaching him over the telephone which is very effective.

He told me that he had read many books by many authors including Tony Robbins, but my book had a real connection with him. How humbling is that! It continues to amaze me how much impact the book is having on so many people. I never expected this when I first started writing.

I came across these wise words recently they seem so simple yet there is a truth in them.

Remember these five simple rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hatred
2. Free your mind from worries
3. Live simply
4. Give more
5. Expect less

Thoughts for the week

1. Are you more positive or more negative each day?
2. Your feelings are connected to your thoughts or inner voice.
3. If your thinking is good you will feel good, if your thinking is bad you will feel bad.
4. You can change your feelings by changing your thoughts.
5. When you feel good you have high energy and you achieve more.

By the way the title of this blog ‘Think happy and you will be happy’ is from my mum. She says this all the time and I wonder if that is why she is so healthy at the age of 95?

Well that’s it for this week have a wonderful weekend and stay positive.

Warm regards


Off the Wall – How to Develop World Class Mental Resilience available here (Special offer. Put in code 10POUND when prompted to receive a signed copy for £10 including postage and packing – UK only)

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