John's Blog

If You Do This, You Cannot Be Stressed!

This is the final part of my chapter on Mindfulness from my book ‘Off the Wall’ which gives some great action points to help you develop a habit of mindfulness. When we are mindful, we cannot be stressed because all

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Mindfulness – Stress Free Living

Today I share part 2 of Chapter 16 on Mindfulness from my book ‘Off the Wall’ How to Develop World Class Mental Resilience.  Human minds are easily distracted, habitually examining past events and trying to anticipate the future, and constantly

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Slow Down!

“At a Metro station in Washington D.C. on a cold January morning, a young violinist played several classical compositions as people rushed by. After three minutes, a middle-aged man slowed briefly, then hurried away. Thirty seconds later the young man received

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The Science Behind the Health Benefits of Laughter

I came across this article in Word for Today and it made me think: “Author Barbara Johnson said, ‘Laughter is like changing a baby’s diaper. It doesn’t permanently solve the problem, but it makes things more acceptable for a while.’ One day,

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Learn to Think Right

We are coming closer to a full lockdown and this second wave in many ways is far worse than the first wave. When the first wave hit it was a massive shock to the world and it took a while to

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She Saved 2500 Children from the Nazis

“There are endless examples of courage buried in the ruins of the Holocaust, but Irena Sendlerowa’s story stands out. When the Nazis invaded her native Poland and rounded up all the Jews into a walled-in ghetto, Sendlerowa knew what was going

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Sir Ernest Shackleton: Fought Antarctica and Won

“Shackleton had wanted to discover the South Pole but was beaten to that distinction. Instead, he decided to be the first man to cross the continent of Antarctica by boat (which was possible to do during the Antarctic summer). Unfortunately, the

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World Mental Health Day

Do not neglect the gift you have  “Luigi Tarisio was born in Italy in 1796. A collector of violins, he took great pride in scouting out rare finds, and purchasing only instruments of the finest quality. No one really knew about

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Damaged Souls Still Have Worth

In these extremely challenging times there has been a shift towards caring for your neighbours and friends. This pandemic has led many people to see that relationships and time are more important than money. I have read many articles where rich

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My New Book Has Finally Arrived!

Copies of my new book ‘100 Days to Mental Resilience’ have finally arrived and are now on sale on Amazon and on my website. I’ve got to be honest they look and feel good. This book is different to my

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The Turtle and the Shell

I came across this article which resonated with me and made me think. All the Difference in the World “Every Sunday morning, I take a light jog around a park near my home.  There’s a lake located in one corner of the

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There is Always a Seed of Something Positive

I came across this inspirational account of something happening in a refugee camp in Jordan where the 80,000 Syrian refugees have faced devastating events and have little hope for the future. Circus School “Mohammad Qusam Ghouzlan is a circus trainer who helped

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Afghanistan – The Astonishing Impact of Skateboarding!

I recently came across this amazing story of an organisation making a huge difference to the young people of Afghanistan. Skateistan “Oliver is a skateboard teacher working for Skateistan, a non-profit organisation that combines skateboarding and education as a tool for empowering

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The Sherpa and the Earthquake

I really enjoy researching inspiration stories from around the world which encompass mental resilience and all the positive attributes associated with that. Today I have an account of someone who was faced with a tragedy and he chose to stay

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A Diabetes Wake Up Call!

Today’s newsletter is a little different as I have just tested my diabetes level and found that I had a reading of 6.3%. I was quite happy with this reading until I checked my levels on the internet and found

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7 Key Methods to Bounce Back from Failure

This is an interesting article discussing how to respond to failure which I came across recently. Failing in life is guaranteed and is something we all face throughout our lives. We can’t avoid failure, but we can choose how we

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5 Keys to Develop Peace of Mind

One of my key roles in writing this blog is to search the internet across the world to bring you the best content which will help you live a happier more successful life. Today I have found some great advice

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5 Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is a skill that you nourish and train; it is not something you gain overnight. Some people will have a big amount of self-confidence naturally, and it’ll show in how they behave and handle situations. However, some people go

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