John's Blog

Work Less and Achieve More

It’s been a nice busy week with preparation for an international trip this coming week to deliver my Mental Resilience Masterclass. I was privileged to present to the staff of Rolls Royce in Derby on Tuesday. I also had two

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Change the way you Think, Speak and Act

It is wonderful to be sitting in our hotel in Malta having finished a busy three days of delivering my keynote talk and two Masterclasses to different organisations. Before Julie and I arrived, we weren’t completely sure how things would

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You Can Train a Shark!

It has been an amazing week with a trip to Helsinki Finland to deliver my half day Mental Resilience Masterclass to the staff of a large organisation. This three-day trip to Finland was followed with a keynote talk to the

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Commitment is the Key

This has been an exciting week with a Mental Resilience Masterclass for the staff at North Hertfordshire Homes on behalf of Live and Learn and an assembly at Farnborough Academy for year 11. Both of these were outstanding. The feedback

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True Happiness isn’t all about Money

It has been a productive and busy week with several highlights, the main one being the Mental Resilience Keynote talk to the staff of April King Legal. This was my one-hour version featuring tips and techniques to help develop World

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I Made a Difference to that One!

It has been another exciting week with a couple of events being particularly memorable. The first was a great meeting with Paul King and Jonathan Maskew from April King Legal who have booked me for a Mental Resilience talk next

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We Only Grow When We Face Challenges

It’s been a fun week this week with various booking with clients both speaking, and coaching and I just love the variety of the things I do. I love coaching one to one, running my full day and half day

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Think of Others First

It has been a fabulous week this week travelling to Harrow to deliver my one-hour Mental Resilience talk tailored to students and the pressure of exams. The session was so well received by the sixth form student it took me

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A Very Special Bank Account!

This week has been great fun with a trip to Newcastle to run my Mental Resilience Masterclass for Muckle Solicitors, a coaching session on Wednesday and a further coaching session on Thursday. I just love what I do and when

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This Plant Takes 5 years to Start Growing!

What a great week I’ve had this week. I was In London delivering my Keynote Mental Resilience talk in the Shard Hotel on Tuesday, I delivered my Masterclass to a company in Tunbridge Wells on Thursday and a further Masterclass

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Step on Your Problems!

I have just been reflecting on last week and realise how blessed I am to be doing what I do. I had excellent coaching sessions with two of my clients which were really fulfilling. It is great to see the

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Momentum is the Key!

What a great week it has been with some very welcome positive emails from potential clients requesting my services to speak at certain events. This is really exciting because it means business is coming to me and the momentum is

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What you Say is what you Get

Happy New Year! What a great Christmas break I had with my family and Julie – I trust you had a good one too. It is so important to balance work with leisure and family time. I had time to

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A Christmas Message of Encouragement

What a year this has been and how exciting to have impacted so many people during this year through my keynote talks, Mental Resilience Masterclasses and executive coaching. I am honoured and privileged to be in a position to lift

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Stop to Smell the Coffee

This has been a really good week, the highlight being a keynote talk at the Howarth Timber National Sales Conference held in Leeds. This was a great event run by Mark Terry the National Sales Manager and the feedback from

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The Power of Encouragement!

What an exciting week it has been with some great meetings, a very positive coaching session, and a wonderful Masterclass in Cheshire. I received confirmation of two speaking events one in December and one in March through a speaking agency

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It’s Not How You Start but How You Finish!

“An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer/contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the pay check, but

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The Gift

A young man was getting ready to graduate college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom. Knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As Graduation

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A Simple Email Changed Everything!

This week I ran my Mental Resilience Masterclass to the partners of a large firm of solicitors called Taylor and Emmet in the heart of Sheffield. This was the culmination of two years of relationship building from an initial meeting

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This Emotion Creates Deep Wounds

It has been a great week topped by a wonderful trip to London to speak to the London Commerce and Industry group on my favourite topic Mental Resilience – Success Strategies for Tough Times. This is something I have been

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He was rejected over 1000 times!

Rejection is something I experienced on a regular basis as a young boy when I struggled to read and write, as I was born to Polish parents. I was also last pick in Games lessons as I was very uncoordinated,

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An Amazing Phone Call!

What a fantastic and busy week I have had, running a Masterclass for North Hertfordshire Homes near London on Monday, then some shorter Masterclasses for Rolls Royce staff on Wednesday and Thursday. The delegates attending all sessions were brilliant! All

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He Visualised his Amazing Success!

I talk a lot about visualisation and how powerful it can be. This morning I got up earlier than normal because I have a coaching session later this afternoon and am going for a walk in a beautiful park with

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